If you didn't guess it, we're obsessed with Frenchies. Our beautiful pups inspired our brand and our mission to support animal rescues. If another family can enjoy even a fraction of the love from a rescue pup that we get from our little nuggets, the world would be a better place.

We refer to our pups as our CSO's (Chief Scent Officers) since they waste no delay in letting us know when they love a scent...and when it's time to move on from trying to make others work. Since you're an extended member of our family, we felt it only made sense that you met the rest of ours.

Diesel Benedict Cumberbatch

Sweet, yet stubborn. Diesel’s playful energy level and love for chasing balls is second only to his ability to get his way. Our little sous chef in the kitchen, he’s not far from the candle making either. Diesel is the red fawn in the photo.

LuLu Liz Lemon

Lulu’s big eyes will make your heart melt. If she’s not rolling in the grass, she’s shredding toys to bits. Full of sass (and gas), LuLu enjoys the warmth that comes with our cuddles…and our candles, too. LuLu is our pied pup with the big eyes.

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